PO Box 302, Menominee MI 49858

Volunteer Activities

Monetary Contributions From Our Club

Dictionary Project for Menominee County 3rd Graders

Menominee High School Music Department

Menominee High School Scholarships

Mid-County Ministerial Association

The Salvation Army of Marinette

​​DAR Boys and Girls Club

M&M Children's Museum

​​Bay Cliff Health Camp

Spies Public Library

St. Vincent DePaul

Guiding Harbor


All Things Chocolate Fundraiser

Flower Gallery Flower Card Sales

Flower Gallery Deliveries

Christmas Wreath Sales

Taste of Tenth

Co-Presidents, Eileen Beyer and Martha Harding, of GFWC Menominee Women's Club, Presented a check for $10,000 to Pam Lee, Founder and President of the M&M Children's Museum.

Congratulations GFWC Menominee Woman's Club!           Club Year 2023 we have volunteered 4,360 hours, donated $19,546 and gave $12,486 in-kind donations.

                   J​oey Shepro "Make A Wish" Fundraiser

Planting Flowers for City of Menominee

​​The Salvation Army of Marinette

Butterfly Garden at the YMCA

Art Reception at Spies Library

Menominee Heritage Museum

DAR  Boys and Girls Club​

​M&M Children's Museum

Wreaths Across America

Cemetery Flags for Vets

Give a Kid a Book

​Rainbow House

Taste of Tenth


Primary Fundraising Activities